Sunday, May 29, 2011

Here I am...back again

Okay so I know I havent posted in like...forever so...ya............
Well guess what all you states not in New Mexico.................................SCHOOLS OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!
This I have to say has been a pretty awsome year.  New friends, new places, new stuff.
Now because of my great exitment at the comming summer I have compiled a list of all the ausome things I could think of about the end of the school year...

Okay so awsome thing number one:
Girls camp next week
Top of the food chain

Awsome thing number two:
First prom (Pictures will come later)
Spent only thirty dollars
No date (sad face)

Awsome thing number three:
No longer am I stuck at the bottom of the High School social ladder
Class of 2012 Yoo Hoo

Awsome thing number four:
Josh is now an official freshman enrolled in Manzano High School
2015's graduating class is just around the corner
I get to senior-ify my little brother

Awsome thing number five:
Laurel class president
lots of fun...sort of

Awsome thing number six:
You gotta love an official license in the state of New Mexico
(because it's so easy to get one here)

Awsome thing number seven:
Eva graduated from her first year in pre-school

Awsome thing number eight:
I can read whatever I more english required reading

Awsome thing number nine:
I actually have time to write blog pages

Awsome thing number ten:
family reunions