Tuesday, August 21, 2012

     Some people say that New Mexico is one of the most diverse areas in the United States.  Statistically this is correct and the diversity continues to grow.  This grows increasingly evident hear at UNM, but I'm not just talking about race.  Only at a university like this one can you sit in class with a thirteen year old genius on your right and a sixty year old man on oxygen to your left.  And only at UNM do you see entire families walking together on campus, all trying to better themselves and each other, or an old retired couple taking a couple of simple courses together as a kind of date.  I'm not saying that coming here is what I want to do when I'm old and decrepit but it's amazing that UNM allows this to happen.  So University of New Mexico, I give you kudos, snaps, applause, a few high-fives, and a revered bow.

1 comment:

  1. i liked that about BSU as well. i liked that there were REAL people there, not just rich smart people or calculated diversity based on race, but people who had age and experience, who had to work for their education. i'm so glad you're enjoying it!
